Blogs — senior citizen
Relieve Cold Cough Symptoms Naturally: Dr. Amgenic’s Nano Steamer for Soothing Respiratory Relief
kids healthcare Kids winter care senior citizen steamer vaporizer winters healthcare tips
Dealing with the discomfort of a cold and cough can be difficult. While over-the-counter drugs can provide comfort, combining natural therapies can provide a gentler way to alleviate your symptoms. In this article, we’ll look at five natural tips, including how to utilize Dr. Amgenic’s Nano Steamer – Best steam vaporizer machine for cold and cough to provide targeted relief for respiratory discomfort. Warm Saltwater Gargle A warm saltwater gargle is an age-old cure for a sore throat. In a cup of warm water, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt and gargle for 30 seconds. This simple but powerful procedure aids in...
What is the difference between low air loss and an alternating pressure mattress?
adult diapers air mattress BP Monitor Dr Amgenic healthcare healthy ageing pregnancy test kit senior citizen thermometer
The bed is a place where you forget about all the world's worries and imagine all the never-ending scenarios. Now imagine being in a bed but feeling discomfort to the point where you aren't able to sleep. For bedridden people, who already have limited mobility, not being able to rest and sleep on a comfortable mattress seems disheartening. For this, there are two types of mattresses- low air loss mattresses and alternating pressure mattresses. Let's read in detail how either of them performs and the difference between them. What are low air loss mattresses? Low air loss mattresses, as the...
How to Choose The Best Anti-decubitus Air Mattress
air mattress Dr Amgenic healthcare healthy ageing senior citizen
What is decubitus? A decubitus ulcer, also known as a pressure ulcer, bed sore, or pressure sore, is an open wound on the skin. A decubitus ulcer develops when the pressure of the body's weight is against a firm surface, such as a bed or wheelchair. An Anti-decubitus air mattress is the safest choice for the patient who spends most of their day in bed in case of injury or illness. The skin's blood supply is cut off on a regular mattress, causing tissue cells to get injured. The skin is frequently red or somewhat discolored when it first appears....
5 benefits of reading for senior citizens
adult diapers air mattress Dr Amgenic healthcare healthy ageing senior citizen
For every age group, reading is one of the most engaging activities. It’s pretty surprising how people can’t recall what it feels like to be snuggled in a cozy bed and read yourself to sleep. Reading is just much more than just a good story. It enhances various positive aspects in an individual. The best part about reading it is that when you’re too much into the story, you are opening yourself to another dimension free of stress. Some people read books just to add their numbers, forgetting how lenient reading can affect your subconscious mind, relationships, personal growth, or...
7 Simple Tips to Improve Memory Among Seniors
adult diapers air mattress BP Monitor Dr Amgenic healthcare senior citizen
When life gets busy, everyone gets into the zone of forgetfulness. Even though forgetting things at random is entirely normal, it can still be frustrating. These changes in our ability to remember things get more noticeable as we age. There can be many reasons why one goes through these frequent memory blips as one age. Genetics also plays a role in memory loss. Memory lapse is very common among any age group. Still, it becomes a concern when you start ageing because we fear that they're signs of dementia or loss of intellectual function or even Alzheimer's. However, according...