When life gets busy, everyone gets into the zone of forgetfulness. Even though forgetting things at random is entirely normal, it can still be frustrating. These changes in our ability to remember things get more noticeable as we age.
There can be many reasons why one goes through these frequent memory blips as one age. Genetics also plays a role in memory loss. Memory lapse is very common among any age group. Still, it becomes a concern when you start ageing because we fear that they're signs of dementia or loss of intellectual function or even Alzheimer's.
However, according to the research, instilling some simple tips in daily life can significantly impact memory. One can naturally improve memory and avoid various health issues that we experience with age. The ways to improve memory are effortless and not expensive or time-consuming.
Have a proper sleep-
Lack of adequate sleep can quickly be associated with poor memory. According to the sleep foundation, some brain parts that solidify memories get triggered by adequate rest. One more thing that helps the senior citizen in good memory is to get undisturbed sleep as much as possible. With uninterrupted sleep, we can put pieces together and minimize the time fraction of blur moments throughout the night. One thing that bothers older people the most is when too much-exerting pressure on body parts might sometime lead to bedsores. To turn the corner, sleeping on air mattresses sounds excellent. Air mattresses prevent bed sores for people who sleep in the same position for a longer duration.
- Stay Social-
Many studies prove that staying social is crucial for older people's mental health. Spending time with friends and family, engaging in parties, book clubs, and get-togethers keeps you socially active. The more social you are, the better your memory functions. It lightens up your mood and helps in remembering things. Never miss an opportunity to be with your loved ones. It wards off stress and depression and helps live life with a clear mind.
- Never stop learning-
With the eagerness to learn even in old age, you can reduce your rate of memory decline by 32%. When we're kids, we're under pressure to read and understand some defined content, but at an older age, one can spend time reading and learning anything they like. It's never too late to learn anything. However, it can be a little challenging. The plus point is that you've got all the time you need to master a new skill that you never got to take first in your golden years. Reading and learning stimulate the brain and keep you active.
- Mental exercise-
Mindfulness is a mental state where you are aware of your surroundings and focus on the present situation rather than stressing about delusional things. It improves your concentration and fades away your moments of memory blips. Keeping your id active by challenging it with new tips and tricks can keep your memory strong. It would be best to indulge yourself in games that sharpen your mind. It can either be playing scrabble, doing crossword or any math-related game. All these exciting yet straightforward steps can improve your memory and cognitive skills.
- Improved diet-
Cutting out excess sugar and having a healthy, balanced diet protect the brain functioning. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential and one of the best ways to keep your body and mind in top condition. Foods with high saturated and trans fat and fried foods can cause high levels of LDL cholesterol and cause damage to the brain. Adding fruits, vegetables, nuts and olive oil will increase the good kind of cholesterol in the body and reduce the risk of blood vessels getting clogged or memory loss and stroke. Also, there has been an actual study that shows how fluctuating BP can cause memory lapses. Senior citizens must keep BP Monitor handy to monitor and take preventive measures accordingly frequently.
- Meditate-
The excellent habit of meditation influences your health positively. The meditation technique offers you peace and relaxation that show significant changes in working memory. In senior citizens, spatial working memory is something to look after and improve as it's the one that holds and processes information in your mind. Its common knowledge that meditation in an open environment plays a massive role in increasing oxygen levels in the body. Using a pulse oximeter, one can notice visible changes while performing breathing exercises. It measures the oxygen level of the blood. Taking out time for meditation causes long term changes in the brain and keeps it healthy.
- Move a little-
"Less sitting-More moving" should be the mantra that every individual should follow, irrespective of age. However, it becomes a matter of priority in old age to keep the body and mind active. Regular exercise is vital for overall physical and mental health. Engaging in any physical activity makes you feel young. It protects you from arthritis and keeps your mind active, and reduces the risk of developing dementia later in life. If you're suffering from incontinence, it might hamper your life and bound you to certain physical activities. Wearing adult diapers gives you the freedom and confidence to embrace your golden years without worrying about anything else. Some diapers provide long term protection and give you all the comfort you need to enjoy a happy time with your loved ones.
With these simple, doable tips, you can perfectly keep your fond memories intact. Even though moments run out of their timeline, the memories of beautiful moments keep a person going. Human nature has the luxury to feel everything so deeply and enjoy these precious times. Memory loss might be a common problem among the elderly, but it is necessary to tackle it with the right approach.