Blogs — pregnancy test kit
What is the difference between low air loss and an alternating pressure mattress?
adult diapers air mattress BP Monitor Dr Amgenic healthcare healthy ageing pregnancy test kit senior citizen thermometer
The bed is a place where you forget about all the world's worries and imagine all the never-ending scenarios. Now imagine being in a bed but feeling discomfort to the point where you aren't able to sleep. For bedridden people, who already have limited mobility, not being able to rest and sleep on a comfortable mattress seems disheartening. For this, there are two types of mattresses- low air loss mattresses and alternating pressure mattresses. Let's read in detail how either of them performs and the difference between them. What are low air loss mattresses? Low air loss mattresses, as the...
PCOS and Pregnancy
Dr Amgenic healthcare PCOS PCOS treatment pregnancy test kit
PCOS is a common hormonal condition in women of reproductive age. It is one of the most common reasons for a woman to have trouble getting pregnant. They have a higher risk of having complications during pregnancy. Treating PCOS is not difficult; one can manage PCOS symptoms and have a healthy pregnancy with a healthy baby. To treat PCOS, you need to understand what it is, how to diagnose it and how it affects your health. Lifestyle changes and focusing on yourself should be a priority. With the right doctor by your side, one needs to not worry about not...